SAC Vypálenky
Land use: 97,6 % nature conservation, 2,4 % farming
This special area of conservation was chosen as a project site for its position in southern Moravia in floodplain of Morava river, presence of basal plant species of the 1340* priority habitat inland salt meadows, and presence of target animal species: european fire-bellied toad (Bombina bombina), Danube crested newt (Triturus dobrogicus), common redshank (Tringa totanus), and gaganey (Spatula querquedula). It used to harbor an exceptional diversity in the past and nowadays is in need of major intervention due to overgrowth.
At this site, we are introducing grazing with Hungarian Grey cattle, a hardy breed well-suited to wetland conditions. These cattle are low-maintenance, adapt well to the available vegetation, and can graze on both reed and goldenrod—two of the most aggressively spreading species. Grazing will be supplemented with carefully timed mowing. We extend our thanks to the Moravský Písek municipality and the local hunting association for their support in providing facilities for volunteers.